Real Estate

Real Estate A SELLER’S SECRET WEAPON: 75% is my goal this year in 2025. I would love to see a minimum of 75% of my listings go on the market with a pre-inspection report. This means that before a home is listed, we hire an impartial 3rd party to come evaluate the structural & mechanical integrity of the home. They provide […]
Real Estate MARCH 6, 2025: MARKET TEMPERATURE: Ladies & gentlemen, brace yourselves for a seismic shift in the real estate world!   Across the board, in Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, Allegheny & Mercer counties, our inventory numbers continue to climb.   The rate at which properties are selling is plummeting! Homes are selling muuuuch more sloooooowly, but they’re still flooding onto the market. […]
Real Estate FEBRUARY 4, 2025: MARKET TEMPERATURE: Okay, my friends… for those of you who get off on spreadsheets & statistical trends, this part of our show is just for you! I evaluate 5 counties: Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, Allegheny & Mercer. When looking into the average sales price & median listing prices… the word I would use to describe what I’m seeing […]
Real Estate ADVICE I GAVE MY OWN FAMILY Our clients need to feel that they know & like us for them to trust us with their transaction. Building this relationship can sometimes take a while, but I’m going to share some advice that I gave my own family – the ones that know, like & trust me most. Two little disclaimers though… Disclaimer […]
Real Estate DECEMBER 16, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE My Italian salad dressing analogy is still applicable! Experienced agents usually know exactly where things lay in the market. However, the hand of election, the hand of misinformation, the hand of new real estate laws & the hand of the fluctuating inventory have all reached out & given that salad dressing a shake. The real […]
Real Estate SELLING THE FAMILY FARM I have another radio show & podcast called THE FOLD. You can find it on Spotify. My October 2024 episode included some excerpts from my personal journal. For the full clip, search THE FOLD on Spotify. In the meantime, I wanted to share a sample of what that episode was about. “Later today, I will […]
Real Estate OCTOBER 23, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE I’ve been using this analogy quite a bit lately. I want you to think of a bottle of Italian salad dressing. I’ve been in the business long enough to be able to predict with some accuracy where we can find water… where you can go in to find oil & where you’re going to pull […]
Real Estate MYSTERIOUS MULTILIST Despite my many years of blogging, I realized that I’ve always thrown around the word “multi-list” but I’ve never really explained it. No time like the present! The multi-list is the official database that Realtors use to research listings. It’s how we share information about the status of each property. There’s not just one multi-list… […]
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Real Estate BIG CHANGES, BIG DEAL IN REAL ESTATE There have been some recent legal changes in how we, as Realtors, are to work. A lot of this information is explained in an animated video I created. It’s on my website (, but please remember that I’m a Realtor… NOT an artist. BEFORE: In the olden days… like last month… it was presumed that […]
Real Estate AUGUST 21, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE Autumn is a season of transformation, & the real estate market is full of changes as well! So much so, that identifying trends at this very moment is extremely difficult. The average sales price is up in half the counties & down in the other half. The median list price is up in Beaver & […]
Real Estate REAL ESTATE DICTIONARY I should write my own real estate dictionary. There are so many words thrown around that so many people – buyers… sellers… (even Realtors!) misuse. The Hunter Dictionary of Real Estate would likely start off with how properties are categorized in the Multi-List. Think of a timeline. You have the word “active” on the far […]
Real Estate VIRUSES & VODKA Covid was a crazy time for us all, but especially for those working in real estate. There was an extended period that Realtors weren’t allowed to leave their house for anything work-related. This obviously included showing homes. When we were finally able to show properties again, we were under very strict rules: • Buyers had […]
Real Estate JUNE 18, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE Our team operates across more than just one Multi-List. We analyze several distinct statistical markers across five different counties spanning Western PA: Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer. As I’m looking at the recent reports, I see that Beaver County is holding steady with their median list price. In every other area, however, these prices […]
Real Estate DON’T TOUCH – IT’S NOT YOURS! Let’s say that you’re taking your family – young kids & all – shopping in a store called “Super Expensive Fragile Glass Figurine Mart.” (Key words are expensive & fragile.) As your youngest, most clumsy child is trailing you down the aisle, they see a sparkly, stunning (insert their favorite animal here) glittering in the […]
Real Estate DON’T TANGLE WITH TANK The text read: “Tank got a hold of him.” I don’t know who the “him” was referring to, but I did know Tank. My seller’s dog is low to the ground, brick-shaped & 70 pounds of pure muscle. His dog bowl could easily be mistaken for a baby bath. Once my seller acknowledges a welcomed […]
Real Estate April 23, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA. We look at 5 different statistical markers in 5 different counties. We watch Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer counties. For the last few months, I’ve been warning our listeners that the market is shifting. That’s right. Sellers, you’re not going to be all […]
Real Estate HOME SALE CONTINGENCIES We’re tackling a topic today that is just as confusing as it is important. Home. Sale. Contingencies. When I think of the word “contingency” I replace it in my mind with “so long as.” For example, an inspection contingency means that the offer stands so long as the inspection is acceptable. Therefore, a home sale […]
Real Estate February 19, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA. We look at 5 different statistical markers in 5 different counties. We’ll be tapping into specific details of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer Counties. Usually, I pick apart each county to highlight the local trends, but what I’m seeing this week is pretty […]
Real Estate This Fence Did Not Make For Good Neighbors A lot of people are surprised to learn that a survey is NOT required when you’re purchasing a home. In the 16 years that I’ve been doing this, I’ve only ever had one situation in which it was required. When I’m ready to list a house, I ask if the seller has, by chance, a […]
Real Estate T.A.P. INTO MY NEGOTIATING TIPS: During my first years in the real estate business, I worked almost exclusively in the Ellwood market. Here’s what my typical transaction looked like: – Mrs. Seller has a 100-year old house. We have it listed at $60,000, & it’s being sold “as-is” – flaws & all! – Mr. Buyer loves the house. He has […]