Real Estate January 8, 2024: MARKET TEMPERATURE: My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA. We look at 5 different statistical markers in 5 different counties. We’ll be tapping into specific details of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer Counties. Being privy to this info gives you pretty good insight as to how the balance of power sits right […]
Real Estate Realty Reality TV Shows That’s the reality of today’s market, let’s talk about the reality of how real estate is portrayed on TV. Remember the movie “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids”? I LOVED that movie as a kid. 10/10 recommend! There’s a scene however that really bothers me as an adult. Diane is standing in the backyard with her […]
Real Estate October 30, 2023: MARKET TEMPERATURE: My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA. That means if you have questions about homes Washington County – we can help you. Erie County? I can help you there, too! Today we’re focusing on trends in the 5 closest counties: Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer. I typically look at 5 […]
Real Estate Behind The Bedroom Door Just this last week I was at a client’s house. They’re looking to move & needed to know how much I thought they could get for their home. UNLIKE the made-up prices on HGTV, I actually have to have a lot of information backing up the asking price I suggest. It had been a few […]
Real Estate “Behind the Scenes” As a Realtor, I could write a book about all of the craziness I’ve seen in this business. I’m not alone… today, I have a very special guest. Shannon Heffern has full access… & I mean FULL access… the woman can ruin me with just a few keystrokes – to everything that the Katina Hunter […]
Real Estate September 5, 2023: MARKET TEMPERATURE My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA, so we have access to details in markets all the way from West Virginia all the way up to Lake Erie. Here are the trends that we’re seeing right now in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer counties. Okay, Mercer County is typically the […]
Real Estate “Commission: A Risky Business” Let’s crack open the topic that a lot of people are afraid to ask about: how Realtors get paid. Here’s how we get paid “THE BIG BUCKS.” (Insert only a very slight eye roll followed by a genuine smile.) Starting out here are the very very very very basics: there are 2 sides of every […]
Real Estate “HIS REALTOR LITERALLY SAVED HIS LIFE” As a Realtor, I could write a book about all of the craziness I’ve seen in this business. Several years ago, there was a man who had moved to Florida but was selling his home here in PA. As we’re getting closer to his closing date, & I had some pressing last-minute items we needed […]
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Real Estate July 4, 2023: MARKET TEMPERATURE: My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA, so we have access to details in markets from Lake Erie all down to West Virginia. Here are the trends that we’re seeing right now in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer counties.   Congratulations, Lawrence County… you’re the oddball area this week! All […]
Real Estate May 1, 2023: MARKET TEMPERATURE: My team & I belong to each multi-list along Western PA, so we have access to details in markets from Lake Erie all down to West Virginia. Here are the trends that we’re seeing right now in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer counties.   All across the board, there are signs that the spring […]
Real Estate INSPECTIONS: A DEEP DIVE In one of my recent blogs, I mentioned that I could offer SO much more information on inspections. Well… good idea, past self! Let’s do that today! Inspections include ANY testing that you’d like to have done at a property. The buyer has a timeframe to get the property evaluated & make a decision as […]
Real Estate IN THE DARK As a Realtor, I could write a book about all the craziness I’ve seen in this business. Man, am I glad that we moved the clocks. Having an extra hour of daylight is very valuable to Realtors. Otherwise, we’re oftentimes pulling up to strange homes in the pitch dark. One day, I was meeting clients […]
Real Estate WHAT SELLERS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PREAPPROVALS Knowing about preapprovals are just as important for my sellers! 80% of buyers who want to see your home can’t afford it that means that 8/10 times when you prepare your home for a showing – it’s for someone who is just curious, not serious. When I explain this to my sellers, I ask them […]
Real Estate “TAXES ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS…ESSMENT” There are 3 common real estate terms that are very commonly misunderstood & misused. Both buyers & sellers mistakenly use these terms interchangeably: Assessment Appraisal Inspection Knowing the difference is key & can save you some boucou bucks in the process. Around March, you have to pay attention to your mail. Important tax docs are […]
Real Estate INSPECTIONS! INSPECTIONS! INSPECTIONS! An inspector evaluates the CONDITION of the home. They provide written information on the structural & mechanical integrity of the property. Most people when they talk about an inspection are referring to a basic home inspection. Does the air conditioning work? Are the windows functional? Are there GFCIs in the appropriate places near water in […]
Real Estate “I’LL GET PREAPPROVED IF I LIKE THE HOUSE” An experienced agent is going to be able to tell exactly how serious a buyer is by asking just one question: Are you preapproved? I often hear this response from buyers, “I’ll get preapproved if I like the house.” My team & I just did a Facebook live on this very subject. If you’re on […]
Real Estate APPRAISALS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW This is the term that you’re looking for when you want a value on your home. The appraisal report comes from an impartial 3rd party. I just took an appraisal course for my broker’s license, & I do not envy the job of an appraiser nor do I pretend to fully understand all that goes […]
Real Estate The Gramma Cottage As a Realtor, I could write a book about all of the craziness I’ve seen in this business. Let me tell you about a little house that that still has me scratching my head. A few years ago, on a usually warm spring day, I pull up to a quaint ranch home in a perfectly […]
Real Estate April 4, 2023: Market Temperature I monitor 5 different counties: Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence & Mercer to give you some broad strokes of insight. There’s a lot of different numbers to take into account when painting a statistical picture of our current real estate market.   I’m seeing that the average sales price in Beaver & Mercer counties are relatively […]
Real Estate SELLERS: PRICING & POLITICS Let’s be honest – there’s a lot of BAD information out there. Real estate is HIGHLY local. What we experience in Pennsylvania is going to be vastly different than what my California counterparts are going through on the west coast. Advice that I give to my sellers in one area will not match my recommendations […]