Real Estate May 8, 2024


Let’s say that you’re taking your family – young kids & all – shopping in a store called “Super Expensive Fragile Glass Figurine Mart.” (Key words are expensive & fragile.)

As your youngest, most clumsy child is trailing you down the aisle, they see a sparkly, stunning (insert their favorite animal here) glittering in the window. The price tag is $500. They run over & grab it & start excitedly screaming – begging for you to buy it. What would you immediately tell them to do?

Right. “PUT. IT. THE. HECK. DOWN!!!”

Now, I know that your children would never do that because you raise them right. However, I wish more parents would have yelled at their kids 20 years ago & remind them that if it’s not theirs – they shouldn’t touch.

People need to know that a “for sale” sign in a yard is NOT an invitation to go onto someone’s property. It’s NOT an invitation to knock on the door & ask questions. It’s NOT an invitation to peek into windows. Even if the house is vacant – it’s not yours – DON’T TOUCH!

I’m seeing this more & more, we’re treading onto some dangerous territory here, so I want to spell out what IS & what IS NOT appropriate when you’re looking at a home. Some of these examples may seem ridiculous, but these are all scenarios are from my personal experiences.

If you…

Drive by a house, see a “for sale” sign & want more information…

It’s okay to…

Call the number on the sign to ask questions.

It’s NOT okay to…

Knock on the door to talk to the homeowner.


1. The home-owner has hired a Realtor so that they can take a back-seat to the home-selling process. They’re paying someone to be bothered for them. They’re paying someone to answer questions & orchestrate showings. They don’t want to talk to the buyers.

2. I’ve had sellers report that their child has answered the door & let people in thinking that they need to let buyers see the house.

If you…

Want to walk the property…

It’s okay to…

Call the Realtor to ask permission or to make an appointment…

It’s NOT okay to…

Show up unannounced & walk around.


Even if you think a home is vacant, it’s not your property.

If you…

Want to see if there are hardwood floors under the carpet…

It’s okay to…

Check the disclosures, ask the Realtor or see if there’s a spot in the corner or closet that has already been pulled up a bit.

It’s NOT okay to…

Start tearing at the carpeting or pulling it up to see underneath.


It is not your home. A buyer should not do any damage to the property when they’re looking at the house.
If you end up putting in an offer, there will be an opportunity to investigate the home more intimately moving forward.

If you…

Want to know if the car in the garage is also for sale…

It’s okay to…

Ask the Realtor.

It’s NOT okay to…

Open the door & sit in the driver’s seat to get a feel for it.


It’s not yours! The only item right now that you should be evaluating is the house. Personal items should not be touched!

Please respect a seller’s home. Even though it’s for sale – it’s still theirs. THEIRS… not yours.

I’m Always Here & Happy to Help!

Katina Hunter
Team Lead for the Katina Hunter Team with Coldwell Banker