Real Estate July 11, 2023


As a Realtor, I could write a book about all of the craziness I’ve seen in this business. Several years ago, there was a man who had moved to Florida but was selling his home here in PA. As we’re getting closer to his closing date, & I had some pressing last-minute items we needed to get wrapped up.


I tried getting in touch with him, & he wasn’t getting back to me. This was a little out of character. After more time passed something in me just didn’t feel right.


Not to get in his personal business, but I happen to know that he was estranged from his family. I did some digging trying to find a local family member. Alas… I was able to reach his niece. I explained who I was, apologized for bothering her & said that I was having a hard time reaching her uncle. I just felt that I should let someone know. She politely said that she would see what she could do.


Fast forward to 11:00 that night, I’m fast asleep, & my phone rings. It’s the niece, & she’s panicked, “I’m so sorry for calling so late, but I wanted to let you know that my uncle was found dead in his apartment this evening.”


After I called her, she rang the Florida police who went to his apartment & relayed the sad, sad news of their discovery.

Oh my goodness… I felt so bad for this man… for his family… for the situation. I felt bad for my buyer who had already sold his home & now had no home to move into. I’ve never had anyone pass away during a transaction before, so I didn’t even if there was a way forward for my buyers.


My phone rings again around 11:30. It’s the niece again.

“HE’S ALIVE!!!!” She screamed! Apparently, the police got there in the nick of time! The seller had been moments from death & was in a diabetic coma.


So, I’m credited with saving this man’s life from several hundred miles away. Just another day in the life of a Realtor!


I’m Always Here & Happy to Help!

Katina Hunter

Team Lead for the Katina Hunter Team with Coldwell Banker